
This module contains code that assists with payout logic. Payout functions are designed to return a boolean value instead of an error.


  payout_address: Address,
  payout_value: Value,
  outputs: List<Output>,
) -> Bool

Find the first occurrence of an output that contains at least some specific value at some address. If nothing is found then return False. This function does not search for an exact UTxO match.

payout.at_least(wallet_addr, just_token_value, tx.outputs)

cont(payout_address: Address, outputs: List<Output>) -> Bool

Find the first occurrence of an output at some address. If nothing is found then return False. This function does not search by value.

payout.cont(that_script_addr, tx.outputs)

  payout_address: Address,
  payout_value: Value,
  outputs: List<Output>,
) -> Bool

Find the first occurrence of an exact output that matches a specific address and value. If nothing is found then return False.

payout.exact(wallet_addr, validating_value, tx.outputs)
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